WorkComp Funding
Employer Organizations Are Looking For a New Solutions to Remain Competitive
Key Questions:
Would your organization like to level or custom design your Workers Compensation payments for the next 60 months?
Would your organization like to be rid of the required LOCs?
Would your organization like to take this liability off your balance sheet?
Our Solution Set: The CareBond Model
We have built a suite of tools that will address many of the issues workers’ compensation plans face today
A Workers’ Compensation financing structure that quantifies workers’ compensation and other related costs
Using a sophisticated actuarial model to clearly define and manage cash outflow given a chosen confidence level
Our Two- Tiered Solution:
Analyzes the existing arrangement employers have with their providers
Develops a financial remedy to contain, budget, and fund costs without modifying existing conditions
The Value Proposition
The CareBond Model brings the following value to any plan by:
Establishing an identified and budgeted flat line workers’ compensation cost over 60 months
Mitigating the need to post LOCs based on the overall collateral established by the fund to cover future exposures over 60 months
Creating a medium term horizon which allows flexibility to adjust and revise trend data in future funding cycles
Shifting from a reactive to proactive financial risk management strategy which insulates an organization’s general fund
Contains volatility to facilitate a cost effective long-term funding and budgeting platform
Working With You and Your Consultant
We securitize your workers’ compensation liability over five (5) years through:
Utilizing a SPE that is separate from the business and for the benefit of plan participants
Accelerating the tax benefit locked in your reserves
Establishing a level 5-year or custom designed cash flow expense
A structure that makes earnings more predictable – remittance to the SPE is your expense
Information Needed for a Phase 1 Assessment
An actuarial report that identifies your “paid” and “reported losses” and allocated loss adjustment expense development by fiscal year for the last 3 years
Structure Elements and Providers
The Trust
Organized under IRC§501 (c) (9)
Trustee – Alta Trust Company, Lone Tree, CO
Asset Manager – Principal Financial Group, Des Moines, IA
The Debt
Private Placement Agent – The Frazer Lanier Company, Montgomery, AL
Structuring Team
Structure Developer and Implementation – CareBond Advanced Funding, Oak Brook, IL
Legal Counsel – Schulte, Roth & Zabel, New York, NY
Introductory Consultation
Consultation with Advanced Funding principals:
Jeffrey Bemoras
Chris Stepuszek